Body Intelligence Series
The intelligence of our body is infinite and boundless. As we navigate our way through the seasons that coexist outside and inside of us, we can learn to listen and trust the innate wisdom that resides within our tissues, cells, subtle energetic body, and overall brilliant structure. During this immersive experience you will get to know how patterns express themselves through movement in ways that are unique and adaptive to you. A session will be hosted quarterly, with each one aligning with the corresponding season
Core | Breath | Spine | Pelvis
Yoga Anatomy
As a part of the Perennial Yoga School teaching staff, I teach functional anatomy for yoga teachers in training. At the heart of functional anatomy is teaching people how to understand and move their body in a meaningful way. When we have this skill as teachers, we can skillfully curate an experience for our students through mindful observations, informed cuing, and intentional sequencing. Previous graduates of Perennials YTT are welcome to return for an anatomy refresher. Contact me for upcoming dates and details.
Yoga Retreat
This annual event is held annually by myself and my co-creator Tatiana Leshay. This local day-retreat has become a precious gift to our community as we gather to connect, move, breathe, reflect, and rest. This restorative day is hosted in the fall.