Body Intelligence Series
In partnership with Perennial Yoga
The intelligence of our body is infinite and boundless. As we navigate our way through the seasons that coexist outside and inside of us, we can learn to listen to and trust the innate wisdom that resides within our tissues, our cells, our brilliant structure, and our subtle body.
During this immersive experience you will get to know how patterns express themselves in your movement in ways that are unique and adaptive to you. You will emerge with knowledge of how to apply this intelligence skillfully in movement practices. Each season our Body Intelligence Immersions, led by Sarah Peters, will align with the corresponding season.
Core | Breath | Spine | Pelvis
Sunday, January 12, 2024
1:30 - 4:30 PM
The cold, crisp winter months invite us inward. It is a rich time for introspection and reflection, but also an opportunity to nourish the subtle flowing current that is the energy of our spine. Subtle movement practices balance stillness, sensing, and embodied movements. As we journey into the incredible beauty of our spine, we can awaken the subtle rippling movement from the inside out.
In this session we will explore:
Movement explorations that take us through unfurling forms that shape our spinal curves through our human development movement
How the curves of the spine support our posture
How freedom in our spine facilitates freedom of movement
How to awaken the energy of our spine from root to crown
Movement modalities that support restoring our posture
Sunday, April 6, 2025
1:30 - 4:30 PM
Awe, spring. The time of emergence and rebirth. What better time is there to celebrate the vitality of our pelvis; the home within our bodies that embraces and nurtures the qualities of life itself. We can bathe ourselves in the element of water to reinvigorate the fluid nature that flows through us. To reclaim the connection to our pelvis, is to celebrate that synchronous rhythm of softness and strength, the buoyant robustness that exists within us.
In this session we will explore:
How to sense and connect to the pelvis
The resilience of the pelvic floor
How to harness the energetic power of the pelvis
The connection of the pelvis, breathing, and posture
Movement and breath practices that support relaxation for the pelvic floor
July 2025 Date TBD
The core immersion will focus on awakening and reconnecting to the power you embody in the center of your body. Our time will include information sharing and movement practice for a balanced approach of discussion and active learning. There will be time for personalized exploration and feedback if you desire such support.
We will explore:
Intro to anatomy of your core
How to awaken the reflexive nature of your core
The intimate connection between core & breath
Re-patterning of mechanics that may have resulted from physical/emotional injury
How to feel alive in your center & foster inner power
The importance of relaxation/softening at your center
October 2025 Date TBD
1:30 - 4:30 PM
Air is the element of fall. It invites us to connect with how air moves through us. Instead of it having its way with our mind and emotions, we can anchor into our sacred breath. Our breath is a vital source of our well-being. This immersion is an invitation to learn how to feel at home in your breath and body.
In this session we will explore:
The rhythmic glide of the respiratory diaphragm
The connections with the core and pelvic floor
The brilliance of breath and the nervous system
Using our breath as a guide to calm
Breath and somatic practices that connect you with your organic breath
How breath is the key in finding the balance of effort and ease in your movement practice